Choose a speed dating Leeds event below for more details or to book.
Had a really brilliant night tonight, there were lots of great looking girls, it was relaxed and well run.
Ben Wed 23rd Aug '17I was so nervous on arrival but really didn't need to be. The host daisy really made me feel at ease, everyone was so nice and ended up with 5 matches. Going on a date this Friday - can't wait! Def do this if you haven't already.
Stef Thu 9th Jun '16Leeds is a fun city packed with lively entertainment venues, let’s face it, it’s not much fun if you’re on your own. To remedy this why not have a look at our fantastic speed dating events here at Ditch or Date? We offer everyone the chance to meet like-minded people who are looking for a date, a long-lasting relationship or even marriage. Events are held in elegant and stylish venues so you feel immediately at ease. Friendly hosts are on hand to make you welcome and to guide you through the evening.
Speed dating is one of the most popular ways of meeting new people. By asking questions and listening to what members of the opposite sex have to say is a great way of providing you with a good idea if that particular person appeals to you or not. Some people say this way of finding romance is better than going to a bar or club for instance due to a more relaxing, intimate atmosphere. Event coordinators organise future dates after checking score sheets of everyone attending so you won’t have long to wait to see who was interested in who.