Ditch Or Date

Advice Section

Ditch Or Date

Speed Dating Tips

For men and women who have never been to a speed dating event and are feeling a little nervous, take some time to read the useful dating tips below. Ditch or Date also has an interesting blog section with handy hints, tips and advice being added each month for prospective speed daters to help them prepare themselves for a fun evening with a difference. These suggestions will serve you well, so check them out soon.

  • Be relaxed – almost all of the people attending won’t have done speed dating before so don’t feel nervous.
  • Don’t worry if you think you’ll have nothing to say or will clam up the 4 minutes goes very quick and its amazing how the other person will chat making the conversation flow.
  • Don’t have too much to drink – you don’t want a memory block the following morning and forget what your potential dates look like!
  • During the 4 minutes try to find out if you have anything in common with the person you’re talking to, this will help you decide if you want a further date of not.
  • Use the break and the time after the event to chat further with people you’ve been attracted to – this may help you decide who to choose.
  • Don’t forget to put your name on your sheet before you hand it in – it’s amazing how some people do!
  • Enjoy the event – it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to chat and flirt with up to 20 unattached good looking strangers all in one night!